Seneca Lake Wine Trail ALL Year !

No matter the time of year, there is Always something happening along the Seneca Lake or Cayuga Lake wine Finger-Lakes-Wine-Trailstrails. Contact the professional staff at Finger Lakes Wine an Transport to schedule your day trip today for parties of  Six people.

Our Direct Booking Site is At https://FingerlakesWinetour.Net   This has PayPal Links And Our Contact Form to Answer Questions that You might Have.. Please DO Contact Us for Discounts , changes of Transport Dates And Current mask mandates / rules of the Wineries.. Several of the Higher Quality Wineries have gone to making the Tasters make Their Own Reservations for Wine Tasting And Usually They Will pre-charge For the Tastings .. For 16 years our Hours of Transport Are 11 AM To 6 PM in Summer Season and Some Wineries are staying at a Five o’clock closing. ( The Winter Hours )..   —  AS Always – Cancelling a Transport Requires 48 hour Notice , for a Complete Refund.. And Most People Just Call and Re-Schedule the Tours.  There Are a Dozen or So Wineries on CAYUGA Lake  And a Dozen or So Wineries on KEUKA Lake  AND On SENECA Lake there are Nearly Fifty Wineries and five or six Breweries..

Most of Our Wineries are Open every Day , except the big Three Holidays and Making an Appointment for your Winery visit is Only Required By the wineries. Also , Should You choose to use TripAdvisor Please Visit http://SUVWineTour

For Our Visiting Wine Tasting Friends choosing to Find the Best Local Hotels  During Daylight Hours , Please Call Orlando AT 800 959 9258  for Rates / Deals in the Seneca Lake Area.

Should You Choose TO Finance – We can get You ZERO Interest for Six Months – Either just Email Me at OR Get On my Special LIST for Discounts – When You ask my LIVE Service Agent Joanna a question — Just Click On Her and She will Show You what to Do.. Just Type in Your Name and Joanna Will tell You What’s UP ! Please Visit

For Our PENN Friends – Visiting from the Great state of Pennsylvania – We Know Your Visit or weekend Get-A-Way – to Southern New York, will Give You and Your Group the Wonderful Opportunity to Save Cash on Your Wine Tour purchases..  We had many Tourists Visit since 2005 and brought two – four Cases of Wine home with them. All Returning Customers can receive $50.00 off or rebate..

We promote the Legal Information Institute through the Cornell University Law School.. Because we have Transported so many of the CU Admin and Professors since 2005 , we Believe in Supporting the American Constitution and higher Education.. However , the Legal Information Institute, LII cannot and does not provide legal advice or interpretations of the law. We are prohibited by law from doing so. We will not answer or reply to requests for legal advice, so please do not ask.

If you need legal advice, you Can find an attorney in our lawyer directory, or you can ask your question to our partner, JustAnswer, who may be able to assist you. The JustAnswer link is provided as a convenience to LII users. Since is a Legal Information Institute user and Orlando was CU Staff in the past , He continues to support LII and Gives the Law School special discounts in booking Transport..  JustAnswer is a separate company with its own pricing and service terms.  LII is not responsible for information provided by the JustAnswer service.

Fingerlakes Transport an Tours supports the CU Law School and the Legal Information Institute.

You can Visit us to Learn more about                     the LII at:

Remember Our Educators – We Need Them


Americans Please VOTE and Help To KEEP Our Constitution Strong –

The Tenth Amendment to the United States        Constitution and Many Others are Here Follow This LINK:  Then Click on UP to See Our U S Constitution.


In Regards to Cancelled Transport and Tour Services that are Booked with Fingerlakes Transport and Tours – Ithaca , New York ..
48 Hours Notice is Required to Cancel with a full refund!
If You are trying to cancel / refund , I will try to Re-Book the day –  Hopefully , Someone will come forth and Book that Day that was cancelled. People call and Book , but sometimes we can not Offer the Day , You Booked on – since those Days are locked In by Your payment..
I Hope that Someone comes Forward and Books that day , because I have to secure a minor charge for Holding that Day Only for You – should no-one Else Book for That Day.. Tour Transporters / Wine Tours , are Booked and Rented by Time with FDCC, LLC and when Locked In , they can not be Rented by Others..
We Are Hoping that Someone turns Up and Rents the day that You contracted for – Now that I know It Is Open for Rent Again .. Most of your charges may be refunded , should this Booking go That Way.. Should I not be Able to re-rent the SUV Transport – I need some sort of fee should I Not be Able to re-schedule a Tour and make nothing.. I will be as generous as I can and Hopefully Your Group Will rise Up and follow through with the Limousine Booking ..  Please Notify Me Should Your Group decide to still rent the Day Or a Future Tour ..
I will Try to re-rent the Transport , so that You can get a full refund..
Should the Time not be rented , by You or Others – I do have to charge Some Fee usually $150.00 and We can Talk about that.. I am a Fair person. Please check and Confirm with Your Group.. I hope to provide Your Group Transport Services in the future. Respectfully , Orlando Aramini —

Fingerlakes Transport and Tours – Ithaca – New York –
